My Story
I am a certified Primal Health Coach. I decided to change my life’s direction and career and instead of building machines, I would find meaning and purpose by helping others achieve the life-transforming changes I experienced.
My astonishing and unexpected health and fitness transformation over the last decade convinced me that if it is in my capacity to make such radical changes, then anybody can do it. That inspired me to want to help others to achieve their own health and fitness goals. To that end, I embarked on studying to get certified as a Primal Health Coach while I continued a successful professional career as an IT Architect for a large global financial institution.
I run, cycle, row, lift weights, sprint, flex, plyometrics, and sometimes fall, spill, slip and then pick myself up to continue to run, cycle…
I am a life-long IT professional who is also a life-long learner, I only got into an active and healthy lifestyle in mid-life and then discovered a new passion which in turn has lead to a then new career – coaching others to achieve their health and fitness goals.
I began devouring everything I could find related to fitness, and then food and diet, and healthy lifestyle and eventually into epigenetics and longevity – but not just how to live longer but how to preserve an active, fit and healthy body, mind and soul for life. I eventually gravitated to a Primal lifestyle – a holistic “whole person” approach to food, fitness, stress, sleep and life in general.
So I started running. Actually more like a run-walk. Run a minute, walk a minute, and so forth. But I kept is up and I got better and eventually was running 10 K per day. Then I got a rowing machine when a running injury sidelined me for a couple of months and I wanted to keep up the activity level. A couple of years later I got a bike. And soon I set up a home gym for weight training to improve running and overall functional fitness and strength. I began studying about weight training and health and fitness and then diets and just health in general. Soon I began incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Fitness became a daily routine with weekly, monthly, and annual goals for running, cycling, weight training, HIIT.
That quickly led to supplements to improve performance and then just food and diet overall. And I started studying the many and various diets and eating plans.
I began designing my own diet and fitness plans based on the wealth of information I had been gathering (filling reams of notebooks like a good student). But there were too many options and too much conflicting information. So I took a systematic approach to study about food and fitness – a natural approach for someone who’s a life-long learner with a scientific bent and career in IT Systems Design. I explored the underlying supporting science of the various approaches to diet and fitness. I soon discovered that not all approaches were based on sound science. In fact, the health and fitness industry is filled with fad diets, charlatans and fitness plans that tell you they are the key to being healthy and fit and to losing weight, but that are completely unsubstantiated with any sort of sound science.
The outcome of all this research and study is that I gravitated to a primal/paleo, lower carb, higher fat approach. That also lead me into the Primal Blueprint realm, and I saw a holistic approach to body mind and spirit that lined up very nicely with everything I had come to understand from my studying to date.
Although fitness was a big transformation for me, it was the overhaul of my diet that had the greatest impact on my health and well being. And it turns out that this will be true for virtually everyone. A focus on food first over fitness is essential.
Today I feel fitter, more energetic, and healthier than I did 20 years ago.
When people began asking me for health and fitness advice, it occured to me that there are a lot of people, especially middle-aged men, who feel they are gaining too much weight and losing their health and vitality and have no idea where to begin getting it back. And that lead to my journey to becoming a Primal Health Coach.
I am a husband of one and father of four grown children plus one grandson. I live in the vibrant university and high tech town of Waterloo in southwest Ontario.
I run, cycle, row, lift weights, do plyometrics, sprint periodically, and sometimes fall, spill, slip but then I pick myself up to continue to run, cycle … and feeling fitter and healthier than I have for decades. I eat a diet that mimics the best current understanding of what promotes health and longevity. I don’t count calories or weigh my food. I enjoy my food and so should you. I have achieved a level of metabolic flexibility that I hardly have to think about when to eat or whether I will have enough fuel for that run or workout.